Friday, January 3, 2014


So,  day 2 of my adventure in being done with things.  Today,  I am done with apologies!  Now,  before you go and get all up in arms about this,  let me explain.  I don't mean that I am done apologizing when I've done something wrong. It would be rude to stop apologizing for that.  If I am in the wrong,  I will admit it and apologize... my momma raised me right afterall. I don't mean that I'm done apologizing when I truly feel sorry for something, such as loss of a loved one or pet,  difficult life situations. I will continue to feel sympathy for my friends and family when they go through difficult times and will offer my apologies as warranted. The apologies that I am DONE with are the useless and needless apologies.  The ones so many of us are guilty of on an almost daily basis.  "I'm sorry to interrupt your...", "I'm sorry to bother you...", "I'm sorry you almost ran me over in the walkway because you weren't looking", "I'm sorry to call you about this....", "I'm sorry we both came down the grocery aisle at the same time(imagine that.... two people wanting some pop tarts)! Here's the thing,  9.5 times out of 10 I am NOT sorry I called you,  NOT sory I bothered you,  NOT sorry I interrupted you (unless you were actually busy in which case I would have waited for you to finish), and I am most definitely NOT SORRY that you almost ran me down because you aren't looking.. and I'm done apologizing for the things that don't need apologies.  When did I become a wimp who always said sorry for EVERYTHING?! I don't know when it happened,  but I know when it is stopping,  and that is today.  I AM DONE apologizing for things that are not my fault,  arguments I didn't start,  things I didn't do,  things you asked me to do and got mad about later and I am certainly done apologizing for other people's perception of me. So,  from today going forward,  if I owe an apology, I will give it. If not,  then I won't.  Sorry if that offends you....oh wait,  I'm really not.

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