Thursday, January 2, 2014

First things first...

So, in the grand spirit of technology,  the new year,  and jumping on a band wagon  a little later than everyone else, I've decided to blog this year. I figure it is better late than never. My blog will be dedicated to the many things I am DONE with this year... and believe me there is plenty.  So each day, or as much as I can,  I will write about one thing I am done with starting in 2014. The picture on this one speaks for itself. I am done smoking! Not the kind of done where I pick it back up in a week, done until I get stressed out again,  done until that first glass of wine,  done until I'm around it again...oh no no no! I am DONE! I'm not going the route of patches and gum either.  For me, those would be crutches of nicotine that I would inevitably always rely on, and I'm getting off nicotine.... that's the whole point.  So,  this will be a cold turkey adventure for me,  and it won't be easy.  There's so many habits and activities associated with smoking for me.... waking up,  driving, work break,  having a glass of wine,  after dinner,  because I'm bored, while I read,  after I clean, etc. That list could go on and on because,  let's face it.  When you are a smoker,  EVERYTHING,  you do is associated with smoking.  Just about everything is a mental trigger,  and that my friends will be the hard part.  I've prepared myself for that.  I'm ready.  I'm focused.  I'm determined. I AM DONE! 

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